Thursday, July 13, 2017

CLC (Crystal Clear) - Depression [Easy-Lyrics | ENG]

ma um so ge
byongi du rot jo
ku det te mu ne nem
ma mik a pa yo
him dun ni ri jo
ku de rul ji un da nung gon
ot jom mi rit do
o ryo un gol ka yo

ot tok ka jon na ah
nem ma mul nem ma mul we ay
jak ku man nap pu ge he yo
gas sum han gu
so gih dap dap pe yo o

sa rang nan mol la yo
a rat doh
mo run chok kal le yo
ne gas su me gip ge
bak kin nun mul tem mu ne
hi mi dun ne yo o

sa range tak kum go ryo so
jil lyo sang cho man nam jo u wo
i rok ke gut del
i jo ya ha jo

ha ru we do
su shib bon shi ik
sul pun seng ga ge jam gi dat toh ul jo
i je nun son tom man kum do
po go ship ji gak an nah
hon jas so dwen nek i jo
ib bo rut cho rom

sub gwan cho rom
ton no rul gu ri woh he
ay junge gam jong-ul ban bok ke
no rul ji won ne
tong bin ma um mul
che wo ga nun gek
da run sa ram mun nan dwel
gok gat tun de
kyol guk to da shi non

ot tok ka jon na ah
nem ma mul nem ma mul we ay
jak ku man nap pu ge he yo
gas sum han gu
so gih dap dap pe yo o

sa rang nan mol la yo
a rat doh
mo run chok kal le yo
ne gas su me gip ge
bak kin nun mul tem mu ne
hi mi dun ne yo o

sa range tak kum go ryo so
jil lyo sang cho man nam jo u wo
i rok ke gut del
i jo ya ha jo

jit tun hyang gi man
na mak in nun i go sen
mo ret dok ku de gan nuk kyo jo
sum man swi ot to, ow
mol jong ha geh
hut ta ga doh
nun mu rin na yo
i ron ne mam jong mal
ot tok ka na yo o, ow

yo jal we mol la yo
ap pa doh
a nin chok kal ge yo
ne gas su me gip ge bak kin
nun mul sem mi
to jon na bwa yo

sa range tak kum go ryo so
jil lyo sang cho man nam jo u wo
ot tok ke gut del
i jo ya ha jo
hot tok ke gut del
hi jo ya ha jo

ENGLISH Translation

There’s a sickness in my heart
My heart aches because of you
It’s hard to erase you
How come it’s so hard?
What do I do?
Why do you keep
Hurting me?
I feel so frustrated

I don’t know love
I know but I wanna pretend I don’t
Because of the tears that are deeply nailed into my heart
It’s hard

Love pricks me
Only scars remain
I need to forget you

Several times a day
I get locked up in sad thoughts and cry
Now I don’t miss you
Even a little bit
I repeat that to myself like a habit

Like a habit, I miss you again
Repeating these feelings, erasing you
I don’t think someone else
Can fill up my empty heart
In the end, it’s you again

What do I do?
Why do you keep
Hurting me?
I feel so frustrated

I don’t know love
I know but I wanna pretend I don’t
Because of the tears that are deeply nailed into my heart
It’s hard

Love pricks me
Only scars remain
I need to forget you

Only your thick scent remains here
Whatever I do, I can feel you, even when I breathe
I smile normally but then tears come
What do I do with my heart?

Why don’t you know a girl’s heart?
It hurts but I’ll pretend it doesn’t
The deeply engraved tear ducts in my heart
Has burst

Love pricks me
Only scars remain
How can I forget you?
How can I forget you?


Eng - pop!gasa


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