Saturday, September 8, 2018

Lirik Lagu Jaran Goyang - Nella Kharisma

Lagu Jaran Goyang Pertama kali di perkenalkan publik pada tanggal 18 Mei 2018, siapa sangka lagu jaran goyang yang di ciptakan oleh Andi Mbendol menjadi trending di kancah permusikan Indonesia
Berikut adalah lirik Lagu jara Goyang Yang di nyanyikan oleh nella Kharisma

Lirik Lagu Jaran Goyang
Apa salah dan dosaku, sayang
Cinta suciku kau buang-buang
Lihat jurus yang kan ku berikan
Jaran goyang, jaran goyang

Sayang, janganlah kau waton serem
Hubungan kita semula adem
Tapi sekarang kecut bagaikan asem
Semar mesem, semar mesem

Jurus yang sangat ampuh, teruji terpercaya
tanpa anjuran dokter, tanpa harus muter-muter
cukup siji solusinya, pergi ke mbah dukun saja
Langsung sambat, “Mbah, saya putus cinta”

Kalau tidak berhasil, pakai jurus yang kedua
Semar mesem namanya, jaran goyang jodohnya
Cen rodok ndagel syarate, penting di lakoni wae
Ndang di cubo, mesthi kasil terbukti kasiate, genjrottt

Dan dudidam aku padamu, I love you
I can’t stop loving you oh darling
Jaran goyang menunggumu

Apa salah dan dosaku, sayang, cinta suciku kau buang-buang
Lihat jurus yang kan ku berikan, jaran goyang, jaran goyang
Sayang, janganlah kau waton serem, hubungan kita semula adem
Tapi sekarang kecut bagaikan asem, semar mesem, semar mesem

Wes cukup stop mandekko disek sek sek
Jangan bicara jangan berisek sek sek
Gek ayo ndang mangkat ndukun, rasah kakean ngelamun
Ndukun, ndukun , ndukun ayo ndukun
And slow, woles woles baby baby
Rasakno aku wes wani perih baby
Rungokno, ku alami hal sama dengan dirimu
Bojoku mencampakkan diriku, podo bojomu podo tanggamu

Dan dudidam aku padamu, I love you
I can’t stop loving you oh darling
Jaran goyang menunggumu

Apa salah dan dosaku, sayang, cinta suciku kau buang-buang
Lihat jurus yang kan ku berikan, jaran goyang, jaran goyang
Sayang, janganlah kau waton serem, hubungan kita semula adem
Tapi sekarang kecut bagaikan asem, semar mesem, semar mesem

Ini terakhir, cara tuk dapatkan kamu
Jika ini gagal, kan ku racuni dirimu

Apa salah dan dosaku, sayang, cinta suciku kau buang-buang
Lihat jurus yang kan ku berikan, jaran goyang, jaran goyang
Sayang, janganlah kau waton serem, hubungan kita semula adem
Tapi sekarang kecut bagaikan asem, semar mesem, semar mesem

Apa salah dan dosaku, sayang, cinta suciku kau buang-buang
Lihat jurus yang kan ku berikan, jaran goyang, jaran goyang
Sayang, janganlah kau waton serem, hubungan kita semula adem
Tapi sekarang kecut bagaikan asem, semar mesem, semar mesem

Forex Trading 101 - The Pros And Cons Are you new to forex investing? Well, there are some things you need to know about this type of investing so you will understand better why a lot of people do it – from the big companies to individual investors. There are three major reasons why people trade in forex: for money, enjoyment and a sense of achievement. It's obvious that people can earn a lot of money through forex, but some people do it simply because it is fun and they feel a sense of satisfaction from making a trading system work for them. All three reasons aside, people do forex because, unlike the stock market, the currency trading market never closes. Thus, no matter what time of the day and wherever they maybe in the world, anyone can benefit from trading currencies. You can even earn money in your sleep if you set up your trading system to work automatically. It also does not cost much to get started. Some trading companies only require as low as $25 as an initial investment. The good thing about it is that you can trade up to 200 your initial capital. For example, you can trade $5,000 with only $25. You can't say the same thing for stock trading. Despite being profitable, forex transaction costs have remained low. This is very important. It wouldn't make sense to have all your profit taken away from you with large trading costs. How much can you potentially earn? In one word: unlimited. In case you didn't know it yet, forex trading as a whole churns out $3 trillion EVERYDAY in trading volume. That means you can earn that much, if you know how to do it right. There are many forex trading plaforms out there. Some are web-based while others require you to download their trading platform. There is nor right or wrong way to trade, however, whatever you do, make sure that trading currencies won't tie you to a chair. There are people who buy trading robots that automatically buys and sells currencies for them. You can set it up right away, however, if you really want to learn how to trade, you should first learn how the market works. There are many free ebooks out there being handed out by forex trading companies. Grab your own copy and start from there. Like the stock market, you only trade with money you can afford to lose. Too many wide-eyed newbie investors have made and lost money in forex not know why it ever happened. To avoid any expensive mistakes, start with practice accounts or trade only the minimum capital then move on from there. In all, forex trading can be compared to a double-edged swords where on one hand you can get maximum profits while on the other hand you can lose a lot of money. However, the good thing about it is that actual money doesn't change hands until you make a withdrawal. In that sense, if you lost from buying high and selling low, you can always buy low and sell high.

Lirik Lagu Jaran Goyang - Nella Kharisma

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